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Crisis in Ukraine: Evacuate Pets Out of a War-Zone

Crisis in Ukraine: Evacuate Pets Out of a War-Zone

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URGENT: Deadly New Wave of Attacks is Devastating Ukraine

Russia launched a massive attack on over half of Ukraine. Abandoned animals are cowering in rubble as missiles continue to rain down. Critical infrastructures are being targeted and knocking out power and water to civilians.

Brave volunteers continue to risk their lives to save innocent animals from the front lines. Evacuated animals are arriving daily at shelters across Ukraine where they receive medical attention, and a safe place to rest.

They need our help now. 

GreaterGood is providing medical care and support for evacuated pets so they can find safety at local shetlers and rescues. Give now and help fund these efforts.


Husband & Wife Risk it All: Yana and her husband stayed behind when their village was bombed to care for homeless and abandoned animals. When the bombing increased, they risked their lives again to transport all of the animals to safety. 

Your donations are helping save lives. United for Animals took in some of the elderly animals and shared, "Thanks to your support, we are able to assist volunteers like Yana, who stay until the very end, risking everything to save defenseless lives."

Lucky: A dog who survived two years on her own near the frontlines in Ukraine was finally rescued. She spent countless nights hungry and alone cowering in fear in a small shed to stay safe. 

She was appropriately named "Lucky" and thanks to your support received all the food and care she needed to recover. She left Ukraine and her painful past behind for a new life in France with a loving family. 

November 2024: Devoted animal rescuer, Anatoly, was killed after a bomb destroyed his home. His daughter and Animal Rescue Kharkiv entered the dangerous area that ambulances would not go to rescue his beloved animals. Read the full story here.  

October 2024: Air raids intensify across Ukraine. Brave men and women continue to evacuate animals from the frontline. Dozens arrive at Patron Pet Center in need of care. 

May 2024: Military members are currently evacuating animals from various regions of Ukraine, as the situation there is getting worse, and the frontline is moving. 

Dozens of pets have been evacuated from across the regions and every day, heroic rescuers are risking their lives to bring more animals to safety. Evacuated animals are being brought to the Patron Pet Center in Kyiv, where they receive medical attention, care, and are eventually adopted out.

But there are countless more animals who need our help.

We were just informed that 50 new pets are arriving at the center today and another 30 are expected tomorrow. 

All animals are domestic. Most of them were abandoned by the owners when they evacuated, but some were surrendered by the owners because they decided to stay. Evacuations will continue to take place throughout the week.

May 2024: Ukraine military members risk their lives to save abandoned pets near the frontlines. These dogs and cats are finally safe thanks to these brave individuals. Your donations help care for the rescued animals.

April 2024: Richard- This 10-year-old cat lived alone for two years after his owners died shortly after the war in Ukraine began. Richard was rescued and is thriving thanks to your support. See how happy he is with his new family below. 

Feb 2024: Warm wool blankets were brought to Inna, the owner of Shelter in Tomakovka, where there are more than 100 dogs and cats that were taken from the front-line territories of the Zaporozhye region. The dogs and cats quickly curled up on their new blankets donated thanks to your support. 

Attacks in Ukraine are intensifying - Help Now

March 2023 -

Volleys of Russian missiles frequently strike Ukrainian cities at all hours of the day and night. Many of these attacks target Ukrainian electrical power plants. The people and pets of Ukraine are suffering, and Greater Good Charities is committed to funding hot meals and distributing meals kits, blankets, and other supplies in eastern Ukraine. Your ongoing support is critical.

Recently GreaterGood and our non-profit partners, including Siobhan's Trust and Greater Good Charities, were able to feed and offer assistance to first responders in the aftermath of a Russian rocket attack on an apartment building in Ukraine.

February 2023 

It has officially been over 1 year since Russia began their brutal invasion of Ukraine, and Ukrainians are still struggling to survive. The UN estimates that over 13 million Ukrainians have been forced to flee their homes and have now become internally displaced people (IDPs).. Many of hese men, women, children, and their pets have spent months living in fear, worrying that each day could be their last. With winter now looming over them and Russian attacks targeting electrical power plants, survivors need your help now more than ever.

Help provide nourishing meals and critical supplies to people and animals fleeing from attack in Ukraine. Greater Good Charities is on the ground in Ukraine -- your gift today can have a direct impact for Ukrainian families and pets tomorrow.

Since the Fall of 2022, Greater Good Charities has directly distributed over 900,000 humanitarian meals to families living in recently liberated areas of East Ukraine as part of our winter relief kit distributions. These kits include warm blankets, hygiene supplies, and pet food, along with ingredients to make 80 meals. These distributions continue today.

Greater Good Charities has also established warehouse distribution partners in Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Moldova and secured a permanent warehouse in Poland. With your help, we continue to provide funding and supplies to help distribute nourishing meals at border crossings for refugees fleeing Ukraine and at shelters and camps for those who remain in the country.

Greater Good Charities has directly supported partners helping hundreds of thousands of displaced people in Ukraine and refugees fleeing to neighboring countries. We have funded over 9.5 million meals distributed through local partners and food banks.

With your help, we’ve taken care of not just people, but pets as well. We are providing more than 31.6 million meals to pets of internally displaced Ukrainians, pets fleeing to neighboring countries with their families, and pets in overcrowded animal shelters in Ukraine.

The people and pets of Ukraine still need YOU; we can’t do any of this without your support. Your emergency donation is a beacon of hope. Give today.